
Developing a 3D Engine for the subject 3D Engines taught in CITM-UPC by Marc Garrigó, developed by Tomás Carreras and Núria Lamonja

Project maintained by Needlesslord Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

StrawberryEngine: 3D Engine

Developing a 3D Engine for the subject 3D Engines taught in CITM-UPC by Marc Garrigó, developed by Tomás Carreras and Núria Lamonja.

The Engine

Short description of the engine and links.

This is Strawberry Engine’s base. It includes basic features such as:

It is developed under the MIT License.

The Team

List of team members and GitHub and Linkedin accounts.

This project is developed by:

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-10 at 23 22 14


How to use the engine, detailing the controls and any specific action.

Included files

Files you will find in the .zip.

Basic functionalities

Base funcionalities in the engine for it to work properly.

Extra functionalities (innovation)

Additional funcionalities in the engine.

Take into account…

Additional comments to understand some parts of the engine.

